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Journal: #202 Goals Achieved

I don’t have anything to say today. Oddly. When I click the publish button on the post it’ll be 47 consecutive days with a post. Today also marks the day I hit some other goals. You can read about them by reading this blog: Going After Goals.

It feels good to hit those goals, so I’m not feeling down. I do feel blah, distant from myself. I don’t know why. So I think I want to sit with the Lord and let Him be God to me.

Before I go, it’s a confidence boost to set small goals and hit them. It makes me want to be a bit more ambitious. One goal that comes to mind is my tuition balance for BSSM. I think I owe $3900. Since Congress is likely to hand out money again (in the neighborhood of $1400), I think I want to aim to pay $2500 over the next 50 days. So there’s that.

I’ve got a few health goals in mind as well as some art goals. 50 day sprints are nice. I’ll write more about these new goals tomorrow. As for walking and writing, I want to keep my streaks alive. 45/6 days match previous highs. Tomorrow will set a new record, but I’m toying with the idea of taking Sunday’s off writing. Who knows what, I’ll do.

All I know is writing gives me life. So does Jesus. Time to go spend time with Him.

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