Vol II: #22 Day One, Done

I pulled into the Civic Center parking lot just after nine AM- intentionally late. I knew most students would arrive early while being late would offer some cover. As I climbed out of my car, I noticed a long queue of excited students still waiting to go inside for registration. I took a few steps toward the back of the line then decided to go for coffee. The idea of idly chatting with the person in front of me was not appealing, and another cup of coffee was.

After I paid for my cup, I tucked into the back corner of the shop, texted a few friends, and checked Twitter- anything to delay the purpose of the day. Eventually, I ended up back where I started, back at the Civic, waiting to go inside.

Once inside, I encountered a series of smiling and overly polite people. Each one thanked me for being there, which felt over the top. The one bright spot was when I made the photographer laugh. She looked tired and disconnected when I sat on the stool for my photo. Upon her request to “smile,” I gave her the goofiest grin possible- toothy and wide. She thanked me before I moved on.

After the photo, I followed the arrows down the stairs to the floor of the Civic, where another group of cheery faces greeted me. This is where I faced my biggest challenge- meeting new people in an atmosphere of hype. A few meaningful handshakes later, I left. Day one, done.

I have no idea what the next eight months hold at ministry school, but I choose to take it one single day at a time.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


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