Vol II: #48 COVID-19, the Destroyer of Goals

Laughing at a problem is far superior to fearing said problem. All the more, it’s best to venture headfirst into the hysterics of belly laughs and stretched cheeks when faced with a stack of crap. By any measure or means, January was not a success for Nik. The first month of 2022 was a stack of crap. Therefore, given the premise developed above, I will giggle and guffaw at the hurdles presented by December’s baby.

I am behooved to confess, I watched a few movies, and some football, and pretty much anything I wanted to consume only four days into my TV fast. The break-up with lady Television didn’t take. She’s a real temptress, easy and available. Take heart, I haven’t given up my quest to live life without boundless entertainment. What lay beyond this break-up is everything I want. In a few days, my strength will return and I’ll renew the battle.

Intellect and ego demand a villain. The defendant, in this case, is COVID-19. As of today, I am still positive for the virus according to several tests. But rather than serve my pride, I choose to forget the last 20 plus days of quarantine and frustration. I have decided to laugh at the last three weeks because I can’t think of a more apt response. Nothing develops character or resolve more than winning the moments designed to test your dedication. I win not because I won, but because I will not give up the fight.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol II: #49 Honoring My Father and Mother


Abstract: So Says Jesus