Vol III: #50 Back At It, in 2023

I’m amazed by this blog, not because it’s a bastion of poetic words or interesting subjects. Rather, I’m impressed it still exists. Of all the projects and endeavors in my life(aside from relationships) this blog is the longest running venture in my life. I should add this blog is the longest running voluntary venture, in my life. I once worked for a pizza shop called Wolfman Pizza for roughly three years, and I finished my bachelor’s degree in three and half years. One could argue those were voluntary too, but I won’t. My point remains, Fearless Grit is a joy to maintain and I’ll keep entries until I’m dead.

In related news, I spent the last two weeks away from blogs and novels and sculptures. And, I hated it. For once in my life, I missed my life.

The break gave me a chance to look head to 2023 and ask “what do I want for this year? what do I want to get done?” And for once, I don’t have any fantasies about the coming year. I see work and more work. What I really want to finish my novel, sculpture, and lose weight. The thing is, I don’t know what disappointments 2023 holds and I don’t care. Some day soon, when it’s inconvenient and unwelcome, something will go wrong. It’ll be an unforeseen car repair, a tragic text, and loads of hurt feelings and invisible offenses. The reasons to quit or stop will mount. But, I won’t quit.

Back at it, till the end.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #51 Twenty-Four Hours Later


Vol III: #49 Working For Walmart