Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 26

My interpretation of Psalm 26.

Psalm 26

Am I worthy?

Ain’t I your boy?

They called me fool, but I stuck to you,

Didn’t I?

Good ahead, test me.

I know who I am, because I know You.

I don’t gossip or complain or scheme to screw people over.

And I am bold I walk before You.

And I will go on doing so, being bold and loving You,

Regardless of feeling or situation.

You know all these things about me, my heart, my motivations, and my aim.

Save me from this quagmire and set my feet on higher ground.

David wrote of his innocence and integrity, but I can’t.

He said he didn’t take the company of liars and cheats,

yet, Your king was and did all those things.

And You remembered him and saved him anyway.

I'm not King David, devoid of any sense of guilty or sin.

I know who I am, what I’ve done.

And I still choose You,

unworthy and guilty as anyone could be,

I choose you Lord,

And I will never turn back from this vow.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 25

My interpretation of Psalm 25.

Psalm 25

I’m really in the shit now Lord.

I’ve stumbled down the mountain,

And my critics and rivals can’t wait to see me fall.

What did I do wrong?

Haven’t I been a good son?

Please don’t hold my sins against me,

because you know me.

You know that whatever my sins are,

my heart is to love You and Your ways,

to be just and kind and holy,

just, like, you.

So, I’m on my knees,

nah, screw that.

I’m on my face,

until Your sun rises on my my life,

and my spirit sores in the strata,

far above the dross of this hell.

Teach me Lord,

Break me if need be,

do what you will,

But do not ever forget me.

So I am here, always at your feet.


I will not turn away even after you answer,

I’ll be here.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 24

My interpretation of Psalm 24.

Psalm 24

God is greater than we can imagine or envision.

He spoke all we know into existence,

and much more that we do not know.

Who in their ever-loving mind has the balls to stand before Him?

He is terrible, majestic, and powerful.

What human has the right to be in His presence?

Sounds hopeless, but it’s not.

If we search for Him and follow His commands,

You will find Him.

For the Lord God is for us, not against.

We are from Him, and He loves us.

Great as He is,

The Lord is just a Dad,

Longing to love His children.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 23

My interpretation of Psalm 23.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Lord,

What do I need?

I rest, even when my bed is a rock,

and my meals are eaten in peace.

He’s restored me over and over and over, and over again,

And more than this,

He set me among the saints, because He could.

Even though, I walk down dark alleys and dead-end streets,

He is always at my side.

I don’t fear what other people can do to me,

His hugs and rebukes soothe my spirit.

And while we eat, the world watches.

You choose me, marked me, and I can’t count the blessings.

Love and kindness will be the scent of my life,

because I love and run with You.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 22

My interpretation of Psalm 22.

Psalm 22

Why have you forgotten me!?

I cry and wail all damn day!

Why are you silent?!

My self-pity chokes me and world mocks me.

But, I remember who You are,

how you held saints of old and they were satisfied.

I’m not them, my life is not the light they were.

People look down on me and shuffle away as I shop.

I feel powerless and weak,

unworthy of love or affection.

Yet, in my heart, a seed grows.

It is holy, full of hope and faith.

You will pull me from the slop,

and I will shine again.

And one day, I’ll stand with the confidence and sing about your greatness.

For today, I stand and wait for your answer,

because I know you will answer.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 21

My interpretation of Psalm 21.

Psalm 21

I found myself and my strength in the Lord,

And I worship Him.

He rescued me from grief and lies and failure.

He gave me purpose and destiny,

gave me gifts and tools for the task,

And loaded my heart with soul-nourishing joy for the journey.

(Ya gotta laugh at life or it will beat you down.)

And I, as long as I am remembered on the Earth and in Heaven,

Will be known for my devotion to God.

Unlike the Psalmist, I do not consider my enemies.

I leave them to the Lord, His kindness and correction.

May be bless them with deliverance,

As He did for me.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 20

My interpretation of Psalm 20.

Psalm 20

I’m praying for you,

I knew you suffer.

And I knew He will answer my prayers and restore His cherished children.

Even more, my prayers are for more than the needs of the day,

I pray the dreams of your youth are restored to your heart,

because the Lord is good,

and He hears us,

every time we speak.

(Regardless of what we say.)

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 19

My interpretation of Psalm 19

Psalm 19

God Almighty doesn’t need science, philosophy, or explanation.

If you need it, just put down your phone and walk outside.

Go stare are the beautiful trees and the glorious sky,

try to count the flickering stars or paint a picture better than a field full of wildflowers.

You can’t.

But if you need more,

Watch the sun race across the sky and then Her brother the moon by night,

They preach a Gospel better than any sermon we’ve heard.

Whatever the Father does He does with flair and wonder.

It’s good and it’s perfect in every detail,

And His hands are a blessing to those with eyes to see it.

Walking with the Lord can be difficult but it is worth it.

No other life will lead to life and love,

Especially to the generations after you.

Lord, let me, my thoughts, and my action be good in Your judgment.

I want to be an extension of you.

So, correct me when I’m wrong.

You know what’s best, my Rock and my Creator.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 18

My interpretation of Psalm 18.

Psalm 18

Whatever strength still lingers in my soul,

it is because of the Lord.

He is my teacher and oasis.

He lifted me from dark alleys and shitty decisions,

from abuse and shame,

And from men and women who only wanted to maim me.

More than that, He stepped out from the shadow when I cried out,

from self-made hells of self-pity and pride.

He hugged me, loved me, and did not add to my shame.

The Lord is love and anger and belly laughs and kisses.

He hates sin and what sin creates and destroys,

because He sees the start from the end.

But, the Lord always rewards the Saints,

the men and women who drive their stake in the ground,

and say “thus and no more.”

It’s what Jesus promised,

that His Father would not forget us or our need.

He is not a petty god or myth.

My life is a witness of grace and mercy,

for I have defeated all my flaws and attacks.

I’ve awaken to a new life, like I’m a new man.

And I’ve seen His glory coming over the mountain ridge.

The Way of Life is simple: Love the Lord and follow Him,

And He will take care of you.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 17

My interpretation of Psalm 17.

Psalm 17

Lord, listen to me,

and please hear this prayer I pray:

I have walked with you and obeyed your voice.

I abhor violence and greed,

And choose to love, even when it hurts.

Please, shelter me now,

from my enemies and poor choices,

and from those who are jealous and judgmental.

I’ve lived under your blessing,

so don’t hold back now.

I am not one to fight or slander,

so fight for me, that your kindness will receive all the glory.

As for me, I’ll stick to the trail,

And keep climbing with you.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 16

My interpretation of Psalm 16.

Psalm 16

Lord, I need you to rescue me,

because I am drowning without you.

I set myself to follow you,

and whatever I am will be because of you.

But right now, I need you.

I’m not giving up, no never.

For I set my eyes on you and I’ve watched the saints before me,

How they live in peace and joy,

And those apart from you are miserable and ashamed.

So, I want you,

And I will not surrender to despair.

Our life together is worth every hurdle and grief,

regardless of what comes next.

You are always worthy of my commitment and affection.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 15

My interpretation of Psalm 15.

Psalm 15

Father God, how do I remain in your presence?

And live in your grace?

I see many formulas, but the truth is more simple:

Live with integrity,

Believe and follow Your Word,

Speak the truth even when it hurts,

Help others without extracting a wage,

Refuse corruption,

And when in doubt, Love.

Love the oppressed and broken,

Our neighbors, family, and friends,

and especially our enemies.

This is what you desire,

To love as you love.

Like I said, its not difficult to understand or do.

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