Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 14

My interpretation of Psalm 14.

Psalm 14

The sudoo-wise proclaim “God is dead,”

then use science to justify all manner of violence and destruction.

But the Father see them, full of compassion for these prodigals.

Without Him, they will wither and die,

And all they’ve lived and fought for will wither and die too.

It is our good destiny to be His hand and feet,

To love the rebellious and show them the Way.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 13

My interpretation of Psalm 13.

Psalm 13

Hey Jesus, how long will I endure this crap?

This life is so full of slander and shame, abuse and grief.

And my enemies mock You and Your commands.

They say your a joke.

But, I will remain patient.

Your word is life.

So…when are You coming?

Don’t let them laugh and belittle us.

More than that,

I pray for their souls,

that they will know your love and affection as I do.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 12

My interpretation of Psalm 12.

Psalm 12

What’s happening Lord?

Why are leaders talking shit, and supporting evil men?

Are they so willing to sell Your kingdom for a favor?

For a seat at their table?

Is flattery part of your Kingdom?

You champion the poor and the disheartened,

And you are always our defense.

The words of Your mouth are the most true of any every spoken,

And you fight for us, and do not use evil men.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 11

My interpretation of Psalm 11.

Psalm 11

My hope is in the Lord, and my faith is in Him.

And, I decided I will run to Him whenever I am stressed or anxious,

instead of my addictions or self-punishments.

My heart is with Him forever.

Our God hate violence and will judge those who condemn His people.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 10

My interpretation of Psalm 10.

Psalm 10

God! Where are you?

Are you paying attention?

Your enemies celebrate their greed,

The violent wage war,

And the schools brainwash their students by calling you a myth.

They lie about You and mock us,

While the use laws to destroy our children.

Before judges and juries,

They attack You and us.

What will You do?

Everywhere we look, your people are on the run.

But, my feet stand forever on solid ground.

You’re the One who delivered the Hebrews from slavery,

And then again from Babylon.

Most of all, You gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.

We are free and will prosper anywhere we go to work,

Unbound by culture or customs.

You stand for the oppressed and persecuted,

And all evil will die the death it is due.

I cast all my worries and fear toward you,

And wait for Your righteous words.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 9

My interpretation of Psalm 9.

Psalm 9

I’ve seen too much, know too much, 

And I can’t stop loving You. 

My darkness was chased away, 

And all the lies died in Your Presence. 

Nothing has life aside from You Jesus, 

And whatever breathes outside of your Kingdom will eventually grow cold and turn to ash, then back to the dust. 

But, Your culture and work is eternal. 

Time and space are Yours alone. 

They say prayer is stupid and we foolish, the happy few who choose to love You. 

They are wrong. 

Like I said, I’ve seen too much, 

And I live in the knowledge of Your grace, 

For orphans, widows, refugees, the mentally ill, the abused and belittled.

For white trash and children of ghettos.

For old men and the grieving women. 

You are the Hope for all people. 

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 8

My interpretation of Psalm 8.

Psalm 8

I’m in Awe of You, my dear Lord.

Each night, when the sky is clear,

I stare at the stars in wonder.

I mediate on the vastness of Creation,

A universe packed with color and life and mystery.

So, what is humanity?

Your unique artistry, not You, but of You,

In a way nothing else is.

You’ve made us the crown jewel of creation,

Set us as kings of this earth,

And entrusted us to care for it.

How glorious are You and the way You work.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 7

My interpretation of Psalm 7.

Psalm 7

Dearest Father,

Save me! From this age and culture.

It is a beast, seeking to destroy me.

And if I add to the wickedness and violence, sift me.

Lay all my greed and lusts in the ground, far from my heart and Your presence.

Come Lord, and pour Yourself out on the whole world.

Teach us to love each other as Jesus commanded,

and the whole will know He is real.

For what can we give you?

The earth is Yours, but you want our hearts and minds.

So, I weep for the proud and those who refuse to follow you.

They live and build in vain,

and nothing they do will last beyond a generation or two.

I praise you Lord and my hopes in You.

You preserve me and the work I do.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 6

My interpretation of Psalm 6.

Psalm 6

Have mercy on me Lord.

I know I am worthy of judgment and prison, but I beg you for grace and mercy.

I am grieving and weak.

Save me Jesus,

and be the Savior I know.

I’m exhausted, and I’m tired of weeping.

I reject all the world has to offer, which is little more than addiction and pain.

But, I know the Lord hears me and he will come through.

And the world will know He is God.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 5

My interpretation of Psalm 5.

Psalm 5

Listen to me God,

listen to my cries and pain.

I need You, the only One worthy and true.

I come to You first and always,

in all stages of my life- through grief and joy, when I have much or none.

I give you control of my heart and my steps.

Because, I know Your ways.

You don’t take pleasure in lies, adultery, violence, or bigotry.

No one can flatter or deceive You.

And You lead anyone willing to be led by You.

Though some are wicked and delight in mocking You,

Delight in destroying Your blessings,

I beg You to save them, like You rescued me.

Redeem the love of those who walked away,

and pour Yourself out on those who have never known Your warmth and grace.

For You love all the world and all the those in it.

I pray you turn my enemies into friends, my new brothers in You.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 4

My interpretation of Psalm 4.

Psalm 4

Hear me Lord, I need hope for my struggles.

You’ve it before- given me hope.

But some think I am an idiot for following you, for loving you.

They say my prayers are worthless because evil and hardship exist.

But, I know better.

You love what is good and provide for your people.

You hear me, and I know it.

And I will press onward, and tell my loved ones,

“Wait on the Father and focus on His blessings,

and all He did for us. He will do it again.”

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 3

My interpretation of Psalm 3.


My sorrow has grown.

The world is against You.

Those in power say “trust in us and not a god.”

But, I know better.

You are my rock and my love,

who answers my sorrow with joy.

I will not fear the lies of the enemy or the shame they put on me.

You will bless Your people and be our salvation.

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