Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 2

My interpretation of Psalm 2.

Psalm 2

What is wrong with people?!

Why are they mad at the Lord and His people?

I see them rally together, to plot our demise.

But the Father laughs at their efforts and will destroy their plans.

Regardless of what comes, the word of the Father will go forward,

and subdue the enemy.

And all people on this planet, rich or poor, mighty and weak,

must decide to worship Him or perish.

And, I pity those who choose death.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 1

My interpretation of Psalm 1.

Psalm 1

Blessing comes to those who focus on the words, commands, and promises of the Lord,

and to those who don’t listen to the wisdom of the worldly and the critics,

or tangle themselves with the immoral,

or take a seat of judgement.

For those who put the Lord above all else,

and find joy in His love and glory,

will grow stronger.

They will endure harsh seasons, persecution, and even death.

For their foundation is the King and their trust is in Him.

Those whose hope is the Lord will always stand for what is good.

Everything else will fail, in its time.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 150

My interpretation of Psalm 150.

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord,

And worship him everywhere!

Praise Him in His house and in your home,

For His word is good.

Praise Him with shouts and whispers,

claps and silences,

Whatever you do, praise Him with all your might.

And let all creation praise the Lord.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: A Mix Of Me

A poem, about the reality that each of us is a bit unique and a bit of the influences we seek.

I am something,

small to be certain,

but not nothing.

And whatever I am and what I become,

my destiny is not entirely up to me,

but I mix of me and the Ones I behold.

Be they educated or green or angry,

a conspirator or thief or Holy,

where I lend my eyes and ears,

my heart will follow.

And from my heart will flow who I am,

a bit of me and a bit of those I seek.

And it will endure to the end.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 149

My interpretation of Psalm 149.

Psalm 149

Praise the Lord!

Shake, laugh, and sing!

Invent your own way to praise our God!

And let the whole world know the Joy of knowing Jesus.

Dance, paint, write, and kick,

do what you must,

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people.

He will rescue the defenseless,

and lift them to safety.

Wherever you are in life,

be it young and alive,

or old and close to the end,

remember what He has done for you and proclaim His goodness.

And may our words tower over every country and people,

that they would know the Mercy and Glory of the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 148

My interpretation of Psalm 148.

Psalm 148

Praise God!

From heaven and the earth.

For the Lord set the world a spinning,

And determined its history.

All the universe works to His glory,

the whales and shrimp,

wind and snow,

The snow-capped mountains and rushing rivers,

peach trees and dandelions,

to the sandy deserts and grassy plains.

All the cattle and soaring eagles.

Yes, all of the Earth testifies to His wonder,

And one day every person, past and present,

will kneel:

Presidents and peasants,

slaves and slave owners,

old men and children,

widows and orphans,

addicts and drug dealers,

black and white,

ignorant and educated,

They will know and praise the Lord.

For He is worthy.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 147

My interpretation of Psalm 147.

Psalm 147

Praise the Lord,

Our souls rise and our minds are set at ease when we do.

He builds us,

Remembers the outcast,

Heals the broken-hearted,

And lifts the poor in spirit.

Ultimately, He is for us!

(He will judge those who reject Him, no worries.)

For this is the same God who named all the stars,

formed our planet,

made seeds to grow into trees,

and he is not impressed with our pride or anger.

What he longs for is our attention and devotion, our love and affection.

So, to all of us who have known the Goodness of the Lord,

Praise Him because He is the worthy one.

And let pray and bless those who do not know Him,

and those who walked away.

He loves them too.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 146

My interpretation of Psalm 146.

Psalm 146

Praise the Lord!

While I live, I hope in you.

And I will sing and shout “How Great Thou Art.”

My faith isn’t in a government, job, or human wisdom.

For the most kind and peaceful are those who sit at your feet,

the work of their hands will not fail.

This (peace and kindness) is Your mark on Your people,

You Lord, the Creator of Life,

The faithful One,

The defender of the oppressed and enslaved,

The Savior of convicts,

Healer of the sick and broken hearted.

You carry us when we are low and grieving,

Love righteousness,

Protect the foreigners,

and Father the widows and the orphans.

You will reign for ever and ever and ever,

over every generation and beyond.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 145

My interpretation of Psalm 145.

Psalm 145

In all times and places,

I will worship the Lord.

My mind is set on You.

For every generation has praised You,

and will praise You- even if only some.

No generation will pass without declaring Your goodness.

Thought the world is consumed with greed and fear,

those who behold You will always proclaim Your wonder.

You are gracious and merciful,

slow to condemn, and always faithful, even to the least of us.

Your glory is evident in our planet and universe, and in our hearts.

Your kingdom will endure all things.

For you answer our prayers and give purpose to our suffering.

You sent Jesus as the physical truth, that you are with us.

For your are near, a savior to all who call on you.

And, I will praise you all my life.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 144

My interpretation of Psalm 144.

Psalm 144

Bless the Lord our God.

He leads us through the night and trains us to face our enemies.

He is my defender and counselor.

In Him, I find my purpose,

and it is suited to my talents and strengths.

What other god could be so kind?

We humans are an unruly bunch,

fearful and greedy, our lives our short.

Rescue us from evil thoughts and from cultures of death and destruction.

Lord, our Father, bless the hands and work of Your church.

Bless our sons and daughters to reclaim what we gave up.

May they flourish and find their home in You.

May Your glory shine on us and them,

for while I breath, I hope in you.

Blessings to all who desire You.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 143

My interpretation of Psalm 143.

Psalm 143

I hope you hear me Lord,

and all my cries for help.

Forgive me and my broken heart.

The enemy invaded my being, to torture me, and turn my friends into enemies.

But, I know You and Your ways.

I will praise you, resist the enemy, and forgive my attackers.

I don’t know if should ask for a sign or not,

But, I need to see your hand today.

Show yourself to me and raise my soul from the way of the world.

Direct the eyes of my heart to your Love and Kindness.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 142

My interpretation of Psalm 142.

Psalm 142

I bitch and complain to you Lord,

for I know you are the only one who can make it right.

For my soul suffers.

Who is else can rescue me from my enemies and mistakes?

You know all and see all,

And lead me through this moment, this “Valley of the Shadow of Death.”

You are my castle and my treehouse.

Release me from my sins and those who judge me.

I am helpless without you.

And always do you will in my life.

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