Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 129

My interpretation of Psalm 129.

Psalm 129

Since I can remember,

I was belittled and attacked.

And yet, my enemies failed in their attempts to sabotage my life.

Though they tried to sow fear and shame in my soul,

The Lord never left my side.

He turned their abuse and intent to ashes,

and whatever words they planted, however they tried to maim me,

will wither and die.

And everyone will know,

The Lord is not with them.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 128

My interpretation of Psalm 128.

Psalm 128

Those who live in awe and wonder and terror of God,

they are easy to spot in a crowd.

They enjoy their lives and find joy in their work.

Wives are content, children are strong,

And men keep their eyes on the Lord.

Blessed are those who love and fear God,

for they will prospers,

and their children will prosper,

to the third generation,

they will know the Lord.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 127

My interpretation of Psalm 127.

Psalm 127

Only what the Lord creates and anoints will endure,

all human endeavors are worthless.

Make money, study hard, or live in luxury, it’s all for nothing.

He blesses His children,

and He doesn’t need your Cain-like efforts.

For the Lord, we His children are His greatest creation.

Blessed are parents, for they are privileged to experience what it is to be a Father and Mother.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 126

My interpretation of Psalm 126.

Psalm 126

The last time our God set us free and led us out of exile,

we lived like we dreamed of living. 

We laughed and shouted,

And recalled the victory every night before bed. 

Even other people, our neighbors and enemies watched our triumph and said,”The Lord- the one true God- set them free!”

And, they are correct. He did a great miracle for us. 

So now, here in this moment, we are in chains again. And we long for freedom. 

Lord, deliver us once more. 

Wash away the despair. 

And reward with joy those who remained faithful, who sowed in tears and cling to you in the darkest of days. 

We know you are good. 

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 125

My interpretation of Psalm 125.

Psalm 125

Those who trust in the Lord,

the people who remain unmoved by politics, health, or money,

We are like mountains.

We cannot and will not be cracked or swayed,

And just as snow and rock cover the mountains, so the Lord covers and surrounds us.

In this way, evil has no shelter in us.

If takes no root in our grief,

For the Lord tends to His holy ones, His mountains.

And He will reprove those who turn aside,

and lead them back to the path of repentance.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 124

My interpretation of Psalm 124.

Psalm 124

Isn’t the Lord on our side? 

You know He is. Repeat after me: 

Isn’t the Lord on our side?

When jackasses try us, when they talk trash,

And become angry. 

And the depressions of life would usually sweep over us, like a wave, tossing us from one mud pit to another. 

But for the Lord. 

He didn’t let that happen. Not this time.

He held us and saved us from the snare of conflict. 

And we flew higher with Him. 

Our constant counselor and defender is the Lord, creator of everything. 

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 123

My interpretation of Psalm 123.

Psalm 123

I look to you Lord,

to your high seat high above all the proud and foolish men.

And I wait.

For your Grace, I long to refill your cup and open your door.

I need your Hand and your Word.

The slander of my enemies and their disdain for my existence surrounds me.

They belittle Your work and accuse me of stupidity for believing in you.

Raise me up from the gutter and reveal your Glory.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 122

My interpretation of Psalm 122.

Psalm 122

A thrill shot through my soul when you said,”Let’s go to the temple.”

Because, the presence of the Lord is there!

And more than that, the journey will take us to the City of Peace.

Jerusalem is meant to welcome all people on Earth,

a place designed for any person,

from any corner of existence,

to worship the Father in spirit and truth.

I bless her and her purpose:

Peace be with you Jerusalem, and may the Lord rest in you.

May you remind people of the Love and Goodness of God.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 121

My interpretation of Psalm 121.

Psalm 121

When I’ve failed and shame is piled high, I reach for calm and assurance; but from what or who?

My rest comes from the Lord, the Creator and Lover of all men. 

And despite what they say about Him- an absent God, or worse no God at all- He is present in every part of our lives. 

My Dude doesn’t need sleep or a vacation. 

Our Father is our Father, our strong sword and warm blanket, protector and comforter; all things to us and for us. 

He has protected your life and will guard the fruit of your labor. And though you cannot see it, who you are and what you do is not vain. 

He is our keeper. 

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Age And Opportunity

A poem, about being old and feeling lost.

A long, slow breath is pulled over my teeth,

as I stare at the blank space of my life.

All my expectations and desire,

somewhere in the yonder,

but I know not where.

Or, best said, when.

I am tired and worn,

like old blue jeans,

comfortable but frayed.

More sips of air as I ponder,

how to get from today,

through the empty page,

to chapters filled with His glory.

And, I am not an old pair of jeans.

I am a man, my fate is unsettled,

and the blank space and empty pages are my opportunities.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: New Songs

A poem, about a new song.

When did I forget how to sing the songs of my soul,

to treasure my lyrics and the price I paid to sing them?

Why would I trade my call for a blanket,

and my gifts for soup?

How long will I sing this song?

The song of a dreamer, but not a doer.

I want to belt out new tunes,

of victory and triumph and praise.

It’s time I moved on, off into the working man’s delight,

and the obscurity of the grind.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Seeds

A poem, about purpose and endurance.

You’ve been planted, not flung at random.

The soil around you, though it may feel harsh,

will be a friend.

And when the days between rains stretches longer than you like,

grow your roots deep, where no one sees,

into the well that never runs dry.

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