Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Life Is Good

A poem, after a day of video meetings, and the need for connection and wonder.

Thin screens, regardless of clarity,

will never be humanity.

They cannot replace the love conveyed by presence.

I hope we never become so efficient in the way we live life,

that we stop living life,

and settle for pictures of places we could be,

sniffing the scent of a new landscape,

or the wonder of His Creation.

Go, struggle and dream,

explore and receive,

every ounce of what this life was meant to be.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Learning To Use My Words

A poem about learning to use my words, to give life.

At first, I didn’t know the power of my words,

until I crushed a friend or family member with them.

Then I learned to keep my pain to myself,

preferring to suffering in silence.

Later on, I was reminded my words can create boundaries and limits,

when people try to use and abuse me.

Now, I stand on the bridge to the high tower,

where my words are tactful and honoring,

for me and for them,

regardless of emotion or intent.

The best words, even those born of conflict,

still- in a manner only possible through Him- create life.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Stress of the Unknown

A poem about how stress appears in my life, as I embark on a new journey.

Why do I go to war with the criticism of others?

Because I do not wish to live life in conflict with my battered ego.

Humanity is imperfect and cruel,

not by design or intent,

but mainly through ignorance and fear.

We are, after all, a superstitious species,

afraid of the dark and the future,

forever boxed-in by the unknown,

sacrificing greatness and love for comfort and stability.

I too fear the murky beyond,

the dim glass, and what I know only in part.

And, I am stuck between the past I cannot entertain,

and the forward motions- begging me onward,

into the chaos of what’s to come.

There’s no place for shadow arguments in the space on the other side my vision,

I must leave all the hurts and failures behind.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Life In The Tongue

A poem about learning to be honest, and the frustration of the process.

“Am I the asshole?”

Is a reoccurring question,

after a moment of honesty with another.

A previous version of me,

was nice and agreeable,

and dishonest.

I wasn’t a liar,

but I kept my truths to myself,

my deep hopes and childish dreams,

the ancient wounds and broken thoughts.

They would bubble up at times of despair and loneliness,

when I needed emergency surgery on my life and emotions.

But, I’m trying to live more honestly, intentionally,

with less trips to the ER.

I want to be healthy, and isn’t honesty good for us?

The cliche “best policy?”

As with anything new, I am a novice,

a child learning to use my honest legs.

I’m bound to rap my head on floor a few times,

and run into glass walls I didn’t know where there.

But, walking is better than crawling,

and running is healthy for my heart.

Lord, teach me.

May I learn how to speak in a honest tongue,

and always give life with my words.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: The Calm And Focus of Football

A poem about childhood football and the focus it created.

When I was a boy, just moments before every football game,

I’d slip into a panic.

My heart thumped,

And my mind crashed into a hoard of anxious thoughts.

Thankfully, when the whistle blew, and the first play was signaled-in from the sideline,

I always found my focus.

My breathing slowed,

and my thoughts melted into one single notion: the task at hand.

For the next sixty minutes, the game was all that existed in my world,

and all my energy went into it.

25 years year after I stopped playing the game I loved,

I’m still searching for the moments when nothing matters but the task at hand,

the game to replace the game.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Karma

A short poem about karma.

When the world plants a seed,

it expects a harvest.

X + Y = A,

And if not A, then hell to pay.

This is karma,

the way the world works.

But, this is not the Way.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Death, A Sweet Friend #2

I’ve watched a lotta people scream at Death,

watched them blabber into the night ‘bout justice and God’s plan.

I’ve seen people walk away from Jesus because their childhood sweetheart suffered cancer,

to the final bitter end.

And, I’ve watched mothers wail as they lay their babies in the ground.

I’ve watched a lotta people scream at Death,

watched them blabber into the night ‘bout justice and God’s plan.

I’ve seen people walk away from Jesus because their childhood sweetheart suffered cancer,

to the final bitter end.

And, I’ve watched mothers wail as they lay their babies in the ground.

Every death affects someone,

for even a prison falls silent when an inmate is set free.

The constant reality of death, by the view of a few,

seems to negate the Power of tongues,

and Him.

But, this need’nt be so.

If every prayer to restrain the Visitor were answered,

and every life prolonged,

there’d be ten billion people on the planet,

and slavery, and women as property, and kings,

who rule over you and me.

Somethings only die when we do,

yes, it’s part of His plan too.

For when I die,

I take all my hurt and lies with me,

but the best of me will live on.

This is the way it is,

cliche as it is.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Lot’s Wife

There’s a lady and her name is Comfort.

She whispers in the early in the morning,

when my thoughts turn to my ambitions.

There’s a lady and her name is Comfort.

She whispers in the early morning,

when my thoughts turn to my ambitions.

She reminds me of the sting related to previous efforts,

moments when I ignored her.

She pitches me her best lines,

pushing me to stay in my mental bed.

The covers are safe,

and there is no heartache in sleep.

She’s not wrong.

Little Ms. Comfy is a seductive beast,

for she uses no lies.

All my attempts to do something,

are inherently risky,

some of them the heart-destroying kind.

But this temptress has a hand up her ass,

because she is a puppet,

a brainchild of fear.

And I, will not be Lot’s wife.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Be Anxious For Nothing

Anxiety is an addiction,

an old grey friend,

so comfortable around me,

he comes uninvited to my soul.


Anxiety is an addiction,

an old pale friend,

so comfortable around me,

he comes uninvited to my soul.

We’ve been friends for so long,

I forget how much of a terrible bastard he really is.

Even when he’s not around, I look for him,

because I don’t know how to live without sorrow or strain.


My King says “Be anxious for no thing.”

Be sad for nothing,

Be nervous for nothing,

Be worried, frightful, and scared of nothing.

Let no concern bother my heart or mind.

Feels like a trap.

How do I stop something that feels automatic,

built into the way I live life?


Live life another Way.

Anxiety is a tar baby*,

no matter how hard I swing or kick,

I slide deeper into his bullshit.


When I fight and scream,

I block the Way forward.

My friend, my addiction,

is not mine to battle or defeat,

He is the Lord’s to destroy.

My task is to ring the bell,

when Mr. Shitty comes calling.

In all things, I will let my voice rise to the Throne.

When the world feels dark,

and people are indifferent to human suffering.

When I feel fat and bloated,

when I compare myself to a more attractive man.

I will let my worry rise to the One who can do something about it,

And, I will find good things to consume my heart and mind,

like beautiful memories, strong trees, and delicious food,

for these are His goodness too.

*I use the term “tar baby” in the historical sense of the term, not as a racial slur. The story of Br-er Fox and Br-er Rabbit is one I remember from kindergarten. I didn’t have a clue nor was I taught the historical nature of the story. It’s old and found in various cultures as far back as ancient India and Iran.

This poem is an attempt to see anxiety as something we cannot engage in or fight on our own. The more we struggle as the tar baby meant for Br-er Rabbit, the more trouble we find. Our power comes when we confess our cares and allow the Holy Spirit to fight for us. Then, we get to engage in thankfulness and think happy thoughts- which is an active process. Jesus is our briar patch. He’s our safe place. As Christians, we must never forget it.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Talking To Myself

The reason I talked to myself is uncomplicated,

I’ve always talked to myself.

As a boy, I couldn’t help it.

As a man, it’s necessary.

I talk to myself.

It’s not a poetic or noble fact,

but a true fact nonetheless.

I talk to myself in stores- the only reason I loved wearing a mask.

I carry my conversations from the car into each store,

why wouldn’t I?

It can be problematic,

such as when I ask myself “ are the bell peppers ripe?”

I may receive a reply from a thoughtful shopper or store employee.

My favorite is when I’m in the woods, all alone.

I cuss, argue, and cry,

laugh, whisper, and explain,

with nary a care or consideration.

The reason I talk to myself is uncomplicated,

I’ve always talked to myself.

As a boy, I couldn’t help it.

As a man, it’s necessary.

Whenever I hear my thoughts loud and unhindered,

I understand them, and in turn, find ways through the murky parts of my soul.

This is the power of words, as Jesus said,

they will move mountains,

especially those lodged in my heart and mind.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Beliefs and Vaccines

Every generation goes to the ground,

believing in bad ideas and destructive morals,

though most are ignorant of the fact.


Every generation goes to the ground,

believing in bad ideas and destructive morals,

though most are ignorant of the fact.

Not too long ago,

entire generations of Americans knew,

blacks were stupid and primitive.

Before that,

they believed one human could own another.

People as property, subject to every form of whimsical violence available.

Backs beaten, women raped, babies bought and sold for cash.

Yes. Human history is a record of our sins,

our violence, and the views that led to them,

regardless of origin.

What is true?

Even more, once the truth is found,

what do we do with it?

A killer virus has the world by the throat,

cases and death starting to mount again,

while politicians turned the moment into theatre.

Many people will go to the ground,

believing they were pro-life,

when all they really were was anti-abortion.

To be truly pro-life is to do whatever it takes to sustain and promote life,

in-kind- refusing a vaccine isn’t a heroic stand, it’s folly.

Every unvaccinated person is at risk,

and every vaccinated person is at less risk.

A previous generation celebrated the end of polio, smallpox, and measles,

so let us remember their truth: Vaccines work.

Do whatever it takes,

the life you save could be yours.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Academics and Arrogance

For years, the press lied to the American public,

They lied about Vietnam and covered for LBJ and Richard Nixon.

They knew Bill Clinton is a sexual assault waiting to happen, (as was the last guy.)


For years, the press lied to the American public,

They lied about Vietnam and covered for LBJ and Richard Nixon.

They knew Bill Clinton is a sexual assault waiting to happen, (as was the last guy.)

For years, scientists and academics belittled the religious.

Decades of thick arrogance hang over every lecture hall and dean's office,

our beliefs called myths and our way of living deemed barbaric.

We, the backward Christians are not without significant flaws-

we are late to the party in regards to climate change, equal rights, and governance,

but unless history is wrong, it was us who led the fight to free the slaves,

stand with the unborn, and make babies.

Here we stand, in 2021, a hated and misunderstood community,

asked to trust a bunch of liars and academic assholes.

And, we are suffering because of it.

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