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The Progession of The Soil

According to Matthew 13:18-23, Jesus used a parable to explain how we receive His words and the words of the Father. 

In verse 18 we are a road. And because we are a road, we cannot receive the love and grace offered to us. Thereafter, we are compared to rocky soil, able to hear and comprehend, yearning for the goodness of our Lord. And because we understand, we rejoice. Even still, we are immature and unable to maintain our joy. 

After our road becomes a field, and the rocks removed, we are filled with weeds and thorns. We hear. We understand. And the joy we experienced in youth is replaced with cynicism and fear. Our experience is now guiding our decisions, instead of the Holy Spirit. 

Finally, gracefully, we are good soil. Rocks and weeds removed, we are capable for producing our own seed. We feed the hungry and the lost. We provide shelter for the hurting, and shade for the weary. We are no longer burdened by our human need for validation. Love is our guide, and joy our constant companion. 

Our walk with Jesus is obscure and filled with layers of refinement. Too often we hold onto our rocks and our weeds, our desires and fears. We are still learning to trust, to believe, to have faith. Do not concern yourself or try to jump ahead. We all begin as roads, and our destiny is one of being transformed into a proper field, a Garden of Life. 

Do not worry about all the things we are told to bury ourselves under- the acceptance of others, the needs of others, the popular culture or fear-mongering media. Wake up and find Him. He isn’t far. Pray with an honest tongue and open your heart to His voice. 

You are loved without reason or end. You are known to Him, and infinitely desired. You are a unique creation of His, and He wants you.