Walk in the Woods

Nik Curfman Nik Curfman

Growing This Blog, A Bit

Until now, StrongTree Blog has, more or less, been my public space to word dump, to process my life and walk with Jesus. I enjoy the mostly unedited rawness of it, as I try to let the words flow.

This weekend I began to see a need for different types of posts. So from today forward I will have three types of posts. 

1) Daily Journaling. This is what I’ve done so far, and I want to continue doing it for the reasons listed above. It’s a good outlet. These will now be titled this way, “DJ #-, Title.” Today’s post would be DJ: #42 Random Smiles. 

2) Abstractions. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit, I’d like to be a poet. (I am literally forcing myself to write  and leave these words on the screen.) It’s a tough admission, but there it is. (I am cringing at the thought of leaving this up for people to read. It’s the type of resistance to be attacked.) The titles will look like this “A: Title of abstraction.” Something like, A: Sour Whiskey. I might post 2-3 a week. 

3) Life with Jesus. All of these will over lap, but I want to write more directly and clearly about what the Lord is doing in my life and distill it down. Some people will find value in the rawness of the everyday posts, and some will not. Some people might appreciate a more distilled nugget, free of my personality. Those post will be “LWJ: #-, title.” LWJ: #1, The Importance of Joy. I might post one of these a week? Not sure. 

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