Walk in the Woods

Nik Curfman Nik Curfman

Live in the Light, Become Your Best Self The sun is the sustainer of life on Earth. Every moment of every second, of every minute/hour/day/week/month/year, our sun is beaming light across our solar system as photon particles. Trees, algae, and tomat…

Live in the Light, Become Your Best Self 

The sun is the sustainer of life on Earth. Every moment of every second, of every minute/hour/day/week/month/year, our sun is beaming light across our solar system as photon particles. Trees, algae, and tomato plants all use the photons to create the energy they need. During this miraculous process they release oxygen into the atmosphere, the sun’s final gift.  

Jesus- the son- is the sustainer of our being. We are his Garden and He is our light. Without Him we wither. In our  anxious desire for control we look inward for answers as we grope around, becoming ever more conscience of our flaws and weakness. And yet His light still shines on us. He never leaves. Should we become the 1, He leaves the 99. 

Even in the maze of confusion and despair, He is there. His promises are of blessings and grace. Eternal love and peace. We do not need to scrub ourselves all our wrongs. Simply turn and whisper,”Lord, here I am. I receive your love and peace today.” 

To live in the Light, in the presence of Jesus, is an action no one can choose for us. We must choose it as we rise each morning. 

When life is loud and chaotic, choose Him. He is our quiet shelter and place of peace. When life is sad and lonely, choose Him. He will give you hope and joy. When money is tight, relationships fail, adversity is piled like a stack of plates, and you feel emptier than ever- turn to Him. He is there, and always will be. 

When the screams stop echoing and the depression swatted away, we are tempted to go back to our previous way of life. We see Jesus is our band-aid, and with crisis adverted it’s time to get back to real life. And, in his patient grace, He will continue to be our band-aid. He will save us from ourselves every time, but there is a better way.

Some of us find the path only we can walk for ourselves. It seeks deep into our DNA. We do something amazing when we turn to Him, but the greater reward is in the remaining in His presence. 

As we choose to sit in the light of Jesus, the more we find ourselves truly reborn. The lies we hold in the dark are exposed. The fear of failure drops like dead branches, and we begin to be what He wants us to be. Better said, we begin to be who we are. We start to walk the Earth as the unique person the Father created in the beginning, free of fear and control. Full of love, faith, and endurance. 

To live in the Light is to mature and be something greater than we could ever be on our own. Dead limbs are removed and branches pruned, but even those moments come with joy. More than the removal of lies and fear, we grow. We blossom. We become the being we always wanted to be. 

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