Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Unashamed

I finished my drink and looked around the dingy room,

unashamed of my naked state,

or the blood beneath me.

God is good,

and pain is not the end.

The old man at the back injected his twisted wisdom,

get over it he shouted,

the noise caused boys at the pool table to watch the commotion.

Then, the news spreads through their ranks.

How long did they date?

When did they break up?

Under their breath they murmured the same condemnation as the old man.

In my shame I dropped my head, and repeated their judgment to myself.

Eventually, I moved to the corner, out of sight from the old man,

and out of earshot of the boys near the bar.

In the darkness, I pleaded my case to the Lord,

Take these hopes from me.

I let go.

It’s finished.

‘felt like a vain exercise.

After months of frustration,

The Holy One sat beside me,

as I cried,

more tears for a woman I’d rather forget.

She smiled at me,

and placed her hand gently on my back.

And when I stopped long enough to listen,

she whispered:

My son, my sweet man,

if you ever wondered if you knew how to love,

should those lies ever attack you again,

think on this…and her.

You loved deeply, freely, and without regret,

even when it went unreturned.

This is how I love you and everyone in this room.

All the years you spent learning at My feet,

asking Me to enlarge your heart,

were fruitful,

and I will multiply it.

The men in this bar,

they need you.

Behind every jeer,

is their fear,

to go to the depths,

to be vulnerable,

to let their hearts bleed in the open.

They must know,

no wound it too great for My hands,

to those willing to let me touch the pain.

Tell your story,

show them your scars,

your whole heart,

healed as it is.

My treasure,

My Love,

My son.

I finished my drink and looked around the dingy room,

unashamed of my naked state,

or the blood beneath me.

God is good,

and pain is not the end.

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