Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #54 Finding the Words

Read these words one more time: YOU ARE NOT TO FEAR WHAT THEY FEAR OR BE IN DREAD OF IT. This command is from the Lord to Isaiah and it needs to be tattooed on every handwringing-Christian’s face. And every one of us needs it tattooed on our heart. I’m tired of listening to preachers and Facebook experts complain and sow fear in the church.

For a while, I’ve sought the words to describe a feeling buried deep in my heart. And Monday, I found the words in Isaiah 8. My brain exploded with joy when I read the following:

Isaiah 8:12-14

For thus the Lord spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying,

You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’

In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy,

And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.

It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy.

And He shall be your fear,

And He shall be your dread.

Then He shall become a sanctuary.

Read these words one more time: YOU ARE NOT TO FEAR WHAT THEY FEAR OR BE IN DREAD OF IT. This command is from the Lord to Isaiah and it needs to be tattooed on every handwringing-Christian’s face. And every one of us needs it tattooed on our heart. I’m tired of listening to preachers and Facebook experts complain and sow fear in the church. So what if they take my job(current situation for me), or force a vaccine, or “steal” an election. In who is your faith? Judging by the last six years, it’s elections and “American ideals.” We are meant to rise above this age and culture. And we can’t do that when we engage the cycles of fear and division. What can they do to us, really? Greater is He in us than what’s in them.

(BTW, I strongly encourage every Christian to read the Bible from cover to cover. Every chapter and verse. It is illuminating and special, though some parts are rather droll or awkward. It’s worth it.)

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

DJ: #78 When Scripture Hits Different

If you are reading this (Mom, Jess) the most important thing you can do is sit with Jesus. Everyday. That’s the most important thing. Not eating, not marriages, not jobs, not money. Jesus. That’s the thing.

You ever read the Bible and got excited about what you read? How about over a scripture you’ve read a thousand times before? I had that happen last night. (I’m so thankful this still happens.) I nearly jumped out of my seat when I read Philippians 4. Which I will now put into the New Nik Translation, verse 6-8, 11-13:

6 Don’t tolerate anxiety in your life. Be grateful! Take everything in your life- the big and small- to Jesus in prayer, don’t hold back or be dishonest.

7 Prayer is your life line, and in it you will find the mystic Peace we all desperately want. The Peace beyond human comprehension.

8 Also, whatever is honest and good, whatever is respectable and kind, whatever makes a place for justice, whatever is innocent as a child, whatever is full of grace, whatever inspires you to be your best self, dwell on it! (Stop filling your mind with bullshit.)

11 And…I finally learned, no matter what, I have enough, and I will have enough.

12 Whether my account overflows or I am overdrawn, whether I am surrounded by friends or sit alone, whatever the situation is, I found the key to every moment.

13 My strength is not from circumstances, but from the Him who gives me the power to endure each moment with grace and joy.

Maybe it’s because this is my life now- prayer, fighting anxiety, fighting bullshit, and finding peace in every moment- but these verses resonated like a kong in my soul. The key to this walk with Jesus isn’t saying or doing the “right thing” at all times. That is an endless hamster wheel of frustration. The key to walking with Jesus is…(wait for it)…walking with Jesus. Everyday.

I don’t know where it comes from, but the idea we receive a magical download from Jesus and all of our problems vanish is a dumb fantasy. It is quite clear though, in scripture, we have a way out of our problems. Jesus says it and Paul confirms Matthew 6:33, “Seek first.” It is a simple yet most overlooked command Jesus gave us.

I think we believe it (pursuing Jesus) is harder than it has to be. And maybe we have terrible expectations of grand visions and angelic visitations. (Years ago I went to a ministry school led by man who claimed such experiences. Many of the students expected the same.) Pursuing Jesus, and the best fruits of it, is an everyday thing. The changes happen in the doing, and can be undone.

If you are reading this (Mom, Jess) the most important thing you can do is sit with Jesus. Everyday. That’s the most important thing. Not eating, not marriages, not jobs, not money. Jesus. That’s the thing.

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