Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Weak

A poem, about feeling like a loser.

Today I typed the words feels weak to need encouragement,

and I immediately felt as weak and vulnerable as the words on the screen.

How codependent?

Be careful expressing doubts or anxiety, bitches don’t like guys who have feelings or strong emotions.

Why can’t you be more like those men who are cutthroat, stab-a-dude-in-the-back-to-get-ahead types?

Just go deliver pizza. That’s your best option.

This world isn’t meant for men like me.

It’s not designed for the honest and the humble,

or the compassionate.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Academics and Arrogance

For years, the press lied to the American public,

They lied about Vietnam and covered for LBJ and Richard Nixon.

They knew Bill Clinton is a sexual assault waiting to happen, (as was the last guy.)


For years, the press lied to the American public,

They lied about Vietnam and covered for LBJ and Richard Nixon.

They knew Bill Clinton is a sexual assault waiting to happen, (as was the last guy.)

For years, scientists and academics belittled the religious.

Decades of thick arrogance hang over every lecture hall and dean's office,

our beliefs called myths and our way of living deemed barbaric.

We, the backward Christians are not without significant flaws-

we are late to the party in regards to climate change, equal rights, and governance,

but unless history is wrong, it was us who led the fight to free the slaves,

stand with the unborn, and make babies.

Here we stand, in 2021, a hated and misunderstood community,

asked to trust a bunch of liars and academic assholes.

And, we are suffering because of it.

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