Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: What If, River

A poem, about trust and faith.

There’s a River slashing through the middle of life,

It’s strong yet quiet and easy to ignore.

On a good sunny afternoon you might dangle your feet in the current,

And feel the chill rush from your feet to your head,

And the sensation makes your wonder.

What if I jump in?

What if I leave everything this shore had to offer,

And give my all to the River?

You roll your pants up and slosh from the soggy grass a few feet into the flow,

but just then you remember something back home in the warm house,

where life is safe if not boring, predictable and under control.

And then you’re content to sit by the River ignoring its call,

and you wave and smile at those brave enough to take the plunge,

but all the while you wonder,

what if?

And your mind goes on wondering about the what, how, and to where,

You don’t understand the River is your friend and guide,

And He will never let you down.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: River

A poem, about me as a river.

I am a River,

Breaking and diving,

always churning through the rocks and weeds and dry places.

My twists and turns like eternal scars,

a record of where I’ve been.

I am a full of life.

What I hide beneath the surface is meant for those willing to pull up a chair, cast a line,

and suffer patience.

As with all great things,

I am worth the wait.

He’s my source, my forever spring,

or else I will run dry,

self-loathing and desperate,

with anger for everyone, but especially me.

I am a force,

graced with power and purpose,

that no man may define.

For I remain un-damned,

my energy yet untamed behind man made walls,

focused to their end.

I am a River.

I am me,

A force and history of what Faith can be.

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