Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Too Wise To Say No

A poem, about falling into the wisdom and patterns of life, of ignoring what the Lord gave us and we once believed.

He breathed into us,

a little gift of Himself,

forever locked deep in the ventricles of each and every person.

Through corruption and invention,

wars and wisdom,

It’s still there.

Buried under our fears and experience.

We can’t kill it, because we can’t harm what is His.

We can ignore and relegate that token,

beneath our responsibilities and layers of maturity,

listening to all the voices designed to shape us into nothing,

letting go of the child He always is.

Yes, we choose slow paths to deaths door,

Enslaved to the seasons and demands.

Take heart, or rather,

grab your chest and feel the rhythm still at work in your veins.

Our Father’s goodness remains.

What He gives, He never steals back,

And all that was once good, can be made good again.

You are not too old,

too broken,

too stupid or ugly,

Not too poor, uneducated,

or unsophisticated.

There is no sin of your past,

no guilt unsaid,

That keeps us from Him and the gifts He gave us,

back in the beginning,

before we were too wise to say no.

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