Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #34 Time to Relax

(When the Lord wants us to see something, He repeats Himself. He’s not a random voice in the wind, rather a constant song. And, the Father’s song over my life is “Nik, relax. I’ve got you.”Ok, Lord, I hear you. Teach me to relax in You. I’m ready for it.)

As is common at a school like BSSM, on Wednesday afternoon, we were told to pair up with a buddy for prophetic words. To my left was a lanky young man named Wesley. He’s got an innocent smile and tends to be a bit shy. Following our instructions, I encouraged him to be himself and resist comparison. After I finished, he said he saw me surrounded by “pictures of peace” and to “relax.” Midway through his encouragement he stopped to ask, “does this makes sense?” It’s a question insecure people ask when they wonder if the word the Lord gave them is real. Wesley, who often looks uncomfortable, was out on a limb. I told him to “keep going.”

When he finished, I gave him the affirmation he sought. Yes. His encouragement made sense to me. He was the fifth person in two weeks to tell me to “relax.” He looked surprised, which I understand. Most of my classmates are either quiet and reserved, or loud and shaky. I’m neither. From Wesley’s perspective, I look at ease in class. He doesn’t know how much anxiety I fight on daily basis- how I struggle with unwritten expectations and demands. I’ve got that “old man” confidence. Anxiety will not keep me from pushing forward from what the Lord has for my life. Regardless, I will relax and let go of the unholy demands on my heart and mind.

(When the Lord wants us to see something, He repeats Himself. He’s not a random voice in the wind, rather a constant song. And, the Father’s song over my life is “Nik, relax. I’ve got you.”Ok, Lord, I hear you. Teach me to relax in You. I’m ready for it.)

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