Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 37

My interpretation of Psalm 37.

Psalm 37

In our time, in every age prior, and those to come,

has violent and ruthless men.

Every era and generation has war, starvation, and oppression,

and those who step on the righteous- the arrogant and foolish.

Never envy them.

Whatever glamour or wealth surrounds them now,

they will spend eternity burning.

The rapist and the liar,

the greedy sonofabitch,

and the merciless dictator.

No never you mind, He doesn’t overlook,

the proud academic,

the mocking cynic,

or manipulative dick.

No, He will come for what is owed.

Make no mistake.

The Lord loves sacrifice and a generous hand,

His heart beats for working mothers and devoted fathers,

For the child who walks home instead of destroying his future,

and the single man dedicated to prayer and faith.

Righteous is not grand or sparkling,

Justice doesn’t need a parade,

and Love is our true super power.

Never be jealous of the unrighteous.

Instead, pity them.

They are marching toward the gates of hell.

Stay to your course,

Pray, forgive, and let the light shine out your life.

The same God who spoke the Universe into reality,

created time and physics,

Is in you, with you, and for you.

You are never alone,

never forgotten,

always loved.

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