Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 22

My interpretation of Psalm 22.

Psalm 22

Why have you forgotten me!?

I cry and wail all damn day!

Why are you silent?!

My self-pity chokes me and world mocks me.

But, I remember who You are,

how you held saints of old and they were satisfied.

I’m not them, my life is not the light they were.

People look down on me and shuffle away as I shop.

I feel powerless and weak,

unworthy of love or affection.

Yet, in my heart, a seed grows.

It is holy, full of hope and faith.

You will pull me from the slop,

and I will shine again.

And one day, I’ll stand with the confidence and sing about your greatness.

For today, I stand and wait for your answer,

because I know you will answer.

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