Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 140

My interpretation of Psalm 140.

Psalm 140

Rescue me Father, from the bickering and violence of my age,

from a culture that seek to destroy your wonder and glory.

Keep me from slipping into their traps and temptations.

For I prayed to the Holy Spirit and whispered,”I trust you. Do your will in my life,

And show me how to wade through all this shit.”

And Lord, I refuse to judge those around me.

Lead all of us to know you as Father-

the righteous yes, but also the poor,

And the single moms,

the addicts and stripper,

Lonely single men,

And abused children,

That all of us will praise your goodness.

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