Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 139

My interpretation of Psalm 139

Psalm 139

Lord, you know me better than anyone.

You know me better than I know myself,

and You understand my thoughts, emotions, and the intent of my heart.

You surround my life and being and anoint me with purpose.

And if I were foolish enough to try,

where could I hide?

There is no depth in the oceans or darkness of cave,

no drug or addiction,

philosophy or belief,

than can or will nullify You and Your presence in my life.

You made me in my mother’s depth and my spirit knows this is true.

You saw my face when you created light, all of my life and days,

and called it good.

I kneel in awe of the only God that matters.

As for haters and naysayers,

David wanted you to crush them. He hated his enemies, but Your Son Jesus taught us to be like You.

So I close my asking You to bless my enemies.

Surround them with Your Glory and Peace that they may know You.

And search me Lord.

Remove all the stumbling blocks between me and you.

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