Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 130

My interpretation of Psalm 130.

Psalm 130

In my most vile condition, full of darkness and despair,

I reached for You.

Can You hear me, Father?

Please hear me and listen to my groans.

Because I know, no one is innocent before you, and my sins are not special.

And though You are to be feared, You forgive.

I know you will come to me and answer me,

And so I wait for you.

I will strain my ears and listen for your footsteps,

And I will refuse to move until you show.

Oh humanity, if you have hope,

Hope in the Lord.

With Him there is love and redemption- even to the worst of us-

He never fails.

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