Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 10

My interpretation of Psalm 10.

Psalm 10

God! Where are you?

Are you paying attention?

Your enemies celebrate their greed,

The violent wage war,

And the schools brainwash their students by calling you a myth.

They lie about You and mock us,

While the use laws to destroy our children.

Before judges and juries,

They attack You and us.

What will You do?

Everywhere we look, your people are on the run.

But, my feet stand forever on solid ground.

You’re the One who delivered the Hebrews from slavery,

And then again from Babylon.

Most of all, You gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.

We are free and will prosper anywhere we go to work,

Unbound by culture or customs.

You stand for the oppressed and persecuted,

And all evil will die the death it is due.

I cast all my worries and fear toward you,

And wait for Your righteous words.

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