Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: The Power of Our Story

A poem about the power of our testimony, especially in the midst of our storms.

Write it down,

and frame it in your heart.

The moments when the Lord is good,

and His glory is evident in your life.

The time will come when the thief comes to steal your joy,

and remind you how shitty life can be.

Without His words,

and our testimony,

we can begin to slip and lose belief.

Words are power,

and none are more powerful than to recite what He’s done for you.

Because the day will come,

when the tension is high,

and waves break against you,

But you will have His grace in your heart,

as you remember,

You are not alone, and He is good.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Learning To Use My Words

A poem about learning to use my words, to give life.

At first, I didn’t know the power of my words,

until I crushed a friend or family member with them.

Then I learned to keep my pain to myself,

preferring to suffering in silence.

Later on, I was reminded my words can create boundaries and limits,

when people try to use and abuse me.

Now, I stand on the bridge to the high tower,

where my words are tactful and honoring,

for me and for them,

regardless of emotion or intent.

The best words, even those born of conflict,

still- in a manner only possible through Him- create life.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Life In The Tongue

A poem about learning to be honest, and the frustration of the process.

“Am I the asshole?”

Is a reoccurring question,

after a moment of honesty with another.

A previous version of me,

was nice and agreeable,

and dishonest.

I wasn’t a liar,

but I kept my truths to myself,

my deep hopes and childish dreams,

the ancient wounds and broken thoughts.

They would bubble up at times of despair and loneliness,

when I needed emergency surgery on my life and emotions.

But, I’m trying to live more honestly, intentionally,

with less trips to the ER.

I want to be healthy, and isn’t honesty good for us?

The cliche “best policy?”

As with anything new, I am a novice,

a child learning to use my honest legs.

I’m bound to rap my head on floor a few times,

and run into glass walls I didn’t know where there.

But, walking is better than crawling,

and running is healthy for my heart.

Lord, teach me.

May I learn how to speak in a honest tongue,

and always give life with my words.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Talking To Myself

The reason I talked to myself is uncomplicated,

I’ve always talked to myself.

As a boy, I couldn’t help it.

As a man, it’s necessary.

I talk to myself.

It’s not a poetic or noble fact,

but a true fact nonetheless.

I talk to myself in stores- the only reason I loved wearing a mask.

I carry my conversations from the car into each store,

why wouldn’t I?

It can be problematic,

such as when I ask myself “ are the bell peppers ripe?”

I may receive a reply from a thoughtful shopper or store employee.

My favorite is when I’m in the woods, all alone.

I cuss, argue, and cry,

laugh, whisper, and explain,

with nary a care or consideration.

The reason I talk to myself is uncomplicated,

I’ve always talked to myself.

As a boy, I couldn’t help it.

As a man, it’s necessary.

Whenever I hear my thoughts loud and unhindered,

I understand them, and in turn, find ways through the murky parts of my soul.

This is the power of words, as Jesus said,

they will move mountains,

especially those lodged in my heart and mind.

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