Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: People

It’s to lean into Faith,

the river that begins when I stop trying,

and relinquish my grip of control.

Faith River

When I stand on one side of a canyon,

my dusty feet aching to explore the other side,

I can see the bridge long before it exists.

My mind creates solutions, timelines, and predicts hurdles,

the problem has a clear answer,

easy enough to deploy.

My sight is limited to these tasks,

of learning and building,

the predictable sequences of life.

What I cannot envision is her,

the lady of my heart,

and our family.

I cannot see her face or imagine what she smells like,

what see wants in life,

or how will she love me back.

There’s an ease to a task,

a job and it’s work steps,

a to b, then to c.

People are not tasks,

we are a thousand variables,

beyond measure or human intellect.

And I wouldn’t dare pretend to understand us,

so because of this divide,

I cannot see my future with other people.

I cannot predict who will be my friend,

who will live or die,

who will love me and give me there all as I give mine.

The challenge of this moment isn’t to define a new process,

create a checklist of avoidable fears,

or slink into despair.

It’s to lean into Faith,

the river that begins when I stop trying,

and relinquish my grip of control.

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