Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #66 The Beauty of Rare

Snow is more beautiful when it’s rare.

Snow is falling on Redding today, a year or more since the last snow. It’s a news worthy event for me and most residents. The snow is beautiful and calming, and causes only minor inconveniences to normal life. I think it’s good for something in life to variable and unpredictable, and best at sparse intervals. On a day like to day, I pull open the blinds of the biggest window we have and sit with my face toward the action. It’s fun to watch the snow fall and paint the trees behind our home. And I will enjoy it while it lasts. It’s beautiful.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #60 Words

Everything good and possible starts with words.

Communication is a wonderful thing was the first thought in my waking mind early this morning. Then I pictured a few of our techniques like head nods, hand signals, and whistles. And then I thought about words, flowing, specific and meaningful words- even when the words themselves have no meaning. What a precious gift, to be able to talk and shout and sing. Of course, my favorite is the written word, the record of doing, feeling, and thinking. Yes, to write and speak is a blessing and miracle, to listen and understand, and by understanding connect, and through connection love, and with love be kind or generous, forgiving and patient.

Everything good and possible starts with words.

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