Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #294 Happy Memorial Day: We Owe Them

On this Memorial Day, I choose to celebrate the men and women who gave their lives to protect us. I honor their commitment to defend the United States. We have the luxury of having an idiot government because of them. To all our soldiers: I hope we can create a country you are proud to defend and come home to. You deserve it.


There’s a part of me who will always remain an idealist. I’ll read the Constitution with wonder and pride, then imagine what could’ve been. The simplicity and elegance of the law will inspire me to believe in the best of government. My inner child will dream of a better future in America. May that boy live forever. The older I grow, the more effort I need to “love my country.” I need that little boy to remind me of what’s possible.

As disappointing as our government is, our military is proof some of it works. (Unless you forgot, the military is a government program.) What blows my mind is how imperfect our military. Nearly every enlisted man had a lying recruiter. Officers can be as petty as a cat. And finally, we have the wars we send our boys into. Through all of that, our armed forces remain a beacon of freedom.

Whenever I hear people talk about foreign militaries, I laugh. China may have millions of soldiers, and Russia is proud of its new toys. I don’t give a rat’s ass. Gimme a pissed-off redneck from West Virginia who survived Parris Island over ten men from any other army. Not only that, how much combat experience do the Chinese or Russians have? The answer is not much. China was recently sent packing by India during a border dispute. The defeat was so humiliating, the general was sacked the next day. With all due respect to India, China ain’t ready.

On this Memorial Day, I choose to celebrate the men and women who gave their lives to protect us. I honor their commitment to defend the United States. We have the luxury of having an idiot government because of them. To all our soldiers: I hope we can create a country you are proud to defend and come home to. You deserve it.

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