Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #59 Pure Theology

The saddest part of Christian history - among many candidates- is how we persecute each other. It’s one of the weeds the Lord allowed to blossom in His church. And, it’s proof our Lord cares less about perfect theology and doctrine than we do. Or, it demonstrates His mercy. That in our false beliefs He still covers our mistakes. Either way, He is full of compassion and grace for us, His self-righteous kids.

My heart is often sick when I listen to people discuss matters of doctrine or theology. The illness begins when I hear an oft repeated phrase, one that has echoed throughout Christianity, “You can’t be a Christian if…” What a disease. What a plague. For, there is nothing more Christian than judging the hearts and minds of our fellow Christians. I’m guilty and so are you. Lord, help us.

The saddest part of Christian history - among many candidates- is how we persecute each other. It’s one of the weeds the Lord allowed to blossom in His church. And, it’s proof our Lord cares less about perfect theology and doctrine than we do. Or, it demonstrates His mercy. That in our false beliefs He still covers our mistakes. Either way, He is full of compassion and grace for us, His self-righteous kids.

Whatever we believe and live, there is one question more important than the rest- more important than baptism or prophecy or the roll of an evangelist or who is qualified to lead. The greatest question we must answer is who do we say He is? Because everything good depends on the answer. HE is the Christ, the anointed, the Holy One, the Son of God. This is what our lives are built on. This is the foundation of the Church, that His word is good and true. And, it’s a truth we must encounter through knowing Him. When we know His voice, we know He is good. That we are good and He loves us. All the eloquent scripture becomes alive and we find ourselves.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Matthew 16:16

A poem, in response to Peter’s answer to the only question that matters.

At some point, the words on the page must rise from their home. 

The Word must become more than words,

The verses and quotes no longer flat or dry. 

For great as the words are, our Father alone satisfies our hunger and makes the heart drunk with hope. 

We can never know the Christ in two dimensions only,

But it every way possible.

This is our great opportunity,

To dive into His depths and discover this Messiah,

The God of love and glory. 

Then, let us be as Peter: Sit. Listen. And know He is good. 

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