Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Newton’s Laws

A poem, about the physics and the connection to the heart of the God.

Isaac was brilliant and his logic is applicable to us.

In human terms, his first law of motion is:

A person in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by outside forces,

or inside forces.

It’s a truth each of knows without question.

Be it a hidden torment, or an attack from beyond our walls,

each of one must fight through the armies created to destroy us-

our potential, our love, and contributions to life.

Or die.

And, if we remain in or return to the state of our happy youth,

to that of children, we will believe in magic and miracles,

and feel the string attached from His hand to ours,

as He pulls us toward Himself-

past the hoards and legions,

and over the traps we set for ourselves.

Better said, and to correct the obvious but forgivable mistake of Mr. Newton: a person in motion will stay in motion, regardless of opposing forces, when their heart is tied to His.

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