Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: What I Am Doing

I prayed in silence,“Lord, what’s best?”

And strained my ear,

To hear the wisdom from my God.

Without pause He replied,”remove the fear.”

What I Am Doing

I sat on the far end of old leather couch,

as I considered my options to the query, “What do you want to do?”

The previous twelve months was pock-marked with anger, misunderstanding, and unrealized hopes,

and now I was being asked if I want to disband or continue.

Two competing thoughts flashed in my weary mind:

I could remain at my post to continue the fight,

or I could wonder off into the unknown,

no clue what I might find.

I prayed in silence,“Lord, what’s best?”

And strained my ear,

To hear the wisdom from my God.

Without pause He replied,”remove the fear.

Of course, I chose the later,

but not for weariness or anger,

rather faith in the Father,

that His lead is all that matters.

And now, a year removed from my moment of repentance,

I ask myself the same question,

and task myself to live up to that glorious moment,

where my life truly began.

Without fear I will,

Walk, sprint, and climb mountains,

Write, construct, and build creations of my origin,

Love and allow other to love me,

Teach, nurture, and guide,

Sit with the ashamed in their darkness,

And celebrate life friends,

Stumble, heal, and run again,

Declare God’s goodness,

And live free until my last breath in.

Not what will I do,

but what I am doing,

and will do:

To live out every vision and destiny He planted in me.

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