Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #31 I Hate Election Season

I hate election night. The fun is gone and fear blankets almost every aspect of the event. The extreme idiots of either party grab the most headlines and the media revels being at the center of it all. It’s the main reason I got off social media- as stated in previous blogs. I just can’t stand the bickering and rising tension. And, it’s getting worse.

When I was a kid, I’d stay up late to watch election results. I didn’t understand all the nuances, hypocrisy, and double speak and so elections seemed like a fun affair. As a member of a conservative house in a conservative state, most of the elections went our way. That is until 1992 when we conservative folk thought the world was going to end after the election of Bill Clinton. The dread was real. How could we elect this godless womanizer? Of course, two years later we celebrated the GOP sweep of Congress, which was led by our brand of godless womanizer aka Newt Gingrich.

Thirty years later, I hate election night. The fun is gone and fear blankets almost every aspect of the event. The extreme idiots of either party grab the most headlines and the media revels being at the center of it all. The candidates try to convince us of how great they are and then detail the evils of their opponent- all while bedazzled in red, white, and blue. It’s the main reason I got off social media- as stated in previous blogs. I just can’t stand the bickering and rising tension. And, it’s getting worse.

Here in Redding, a bunch of idiots decided Shasta County elections may not be legitimate. In response, they have made life hard for our Election Clerk, a middle-aged lady named Cathy Allen. Redding is a conservative city in a conservative county in the country of Northern California. I don’t know how it’s suppose to be more conservative than it is. And I have no idea what election results were supposed to be fake. But, because some rich idiot with a loyal fan base keeps touting the big lie*, more idiots have come out of the woodwork to make life harder for the rest of us. As a result of one man’s lies and obsession with Redding’s election process, the county spent thousands and thousands of dollars trying to assure voters “Everything is ok. Cathy Allen is qualified and more than capable of running accurate elections.” For someone like me, it’s a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money, but probably a necessary waste, unfortunately.

The real crux of my perspective is I have no one to vote for. I think Republicans have lost their minds to nationalist/Trumpian dogma, and the Democrats are one comrade away from forcing us all to eat vegan mayo sandwiches and live in communes. (BTW, you can be a conservative and not support the far right of the GOP or people like DT. For example, Marco Rubio- had he won the election in 2016- would’ve also appointed three conservative judges. He would’ve done it but with far less bullying or pettiness.) When I look at my ballot I see nothing but a list of extremists and opportunists. It’s not fun.

Maybe that’s part of being an adult. Life is a lot more enjoyable when it’s simple and ignorant. You know? There’s a reason no one ever said “learn more, it’ll make you happy.” And, elections are proof that the more you know, the less you want to know.

This is the happiest or most uplifting blog, but it’s where I’m at.

(*To challenge the election results in Redding is a stupid as challenging yourself to a staring contest. The only reason we are living through this moronic moment is because of what one man released in 2020. And it wasn’t the Spirit of Truth. When election “observers” in Redding show up and cuss out normal, everyday election workers, that’s not the Lord. It’s the enemy meant to kill, steal, and destroy. “And, you will know a tree by the fruit it produces.” Bad trees produce assholes who provoke and harass local officials, without merit or cause. Period.)

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