Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #83 To Defend or Turn Cheek?

After the initial shock wore off, I closed my eyes and sank into my seat. I wondered how someone could be so bold and a few questions came to mind, mostly how I ought to handle this type of situation in the future. My aim is to shoot my clients straight and create a healthy expectation for their project with us. My inclination is to ignore the noise and keep my head down. I know myself and our business. And yet, a small rage still burns in my mind as I type. What a bunch of f#ckers?

This work week was a good week. Our business grew by 20% in five days. And now a new anxiety has replaced the old as more than once I wondered can our fulfillment team keep pace with the sales team? Of all the problems to have, that’s the one any business wants. And I trust our leadership. This isn’t their first rodeo.

On the disturbing side of life, I encountered my first personal/professional attack from a competitor. I was made aware of the attack by a would-be client and my head spun as I read the email. A competing sales person stated that she’d worked with me and I was known liar, and that our business was built on lies. How ironic. The modern term for this behavior is gaslighting- when a person accuses another of the thing(being a liar) they are doing(lying). I’ve never met Alise and she’s never met me. Still, I could feel my jaw tighten and I thought of ways to make her life hell.

After the initial shock wore off, I closed my eyes and sank into my seat. I wondered how someone could be so bold and a few questions came to mind, mostly how I ought to handle this type of situation in the future. My aim is to shoot my clients straight and create a healthy expectation for their project with us. My inclination is to ignore the noise and keep my head down. I know myself and our business. And yet, a small rage still burns in my mind as I type. What a bunch of f#ckers?

Silence is not a respected tactic in 2023, not in the era of offense and outrage. But, it is Biblical. Jesus remained quiet as his accusers yelled and screamed, as did Stephen. And while I’d love to see myself as saintly in this moment, I find more direction in the words of Mark Twain:

“Never argue with stupid(lying) people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

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