Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #4 TF Is Wrong With People?

Want the stone-cold truth as to why all this is happening, you ready? Here it is:

The enemy’s number one job is to kill, steal, and destroy by any means necessary. Anti-vaccine people are partnering with the spirit of deception and death. It’s that simple. Same with our young Marxists. The folks who believe in communism are unwittingly siding with self-righteous arrogance, death, and bondage.

This is not a scheduled post, but it’s my blog. And, I’m angry.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously? When did we just start to ignore the results/fruit of things?

Today, a well-respected minister made a passive-aggressive (per his usual) anti-vaccine post. His followers were all too happy to support and defend his misguided position, and the few people who dared to oppose his view were rebuked on the spot. A few other ministers chimed in too. It was a discouraging display of ignorance and arrogance. (Discouraged is not a strong enough word to describe how I felt as I watched it unfold.)

Not to be outdone by conservative stupidity are the young communists now singing the praises of Marxism. MARX-ISM! Y’all remember that bullshit? 100-150 million people were slaughter or starved in communist countries during the last century. That’s impressive. Capitalism can’t hold a candle to that type of murderous rage.

How is either of these groups ignoring historical facts? True facts? Vaccines work. They are pro-life. Communism is a terrible curse on our planet. It does not work. And, don’t come at me with “the COVID vaccine was rushed, isn’t safe, etc” crap of the bull. Then-President Trump started to roll out the vaccine in December of 2020. Soon after, we witnessed a steady and consistent decline in cases and deaths. Why? BECAUSE VACCINES WORK. As much I have celebrated the departure of Trump, he pushed the vaccine through and saved thousands of lives. (Only after saying COVID would “disappear.”)

Want the stone-cold truth as to why all this is happening, you ready? Here it is:

The enemy’s number one job is to kill, steal, and destroy. By any means necessary. People who are anti-vaccine are partnering with the spirit of deception and death. It’s that simple. Same with our young Marxists. The folks who believe in communism are unwittingly siding with self-righteous arrogance, death, and bondage.

But, the Lord God Almighty is greater. He’s greater than petty social or political battles, and I know He’ll win the day. That’s my truth— where my heart is. So, to all you crazy anti-vaccine and silly wannabe communists, I love you. Despite the fact you are wrong, I am for you. Your imperfection does not disqualify you from love and grace. The Lord’s eternal word over your life is “I Love You.”

Lord, bless me with the ability to see beyond the bondage and chains of my time. Fill me with hope and faith for the plans you have for us. Amen.

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