Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol IV: #10 Beneath Or Best

Crazy truth is all the offenses and (in some cases) trauma is real. Yet none of them will empower me; rather, they are the shittiest type of baggage to cary from one day to the next. And the choice I see now is become more obvious by the day. We can either lean into our pain to justify living beneath our calling, or we can leave it behind and run after the Lord’s best for our lives. With the technology and access to super cheap or free resources, we have no excuses. I don’t have an excuse and I give myself none.

I love living in the 21st Century. I really do. I love toilets and the internet and airplanes and access to all types of people and cuisines. We’ve never- as humans- had more wealth and opportunity than we do today. And I love it. What I don’t love is the endless string of excuses we make for ourselves- to be bitter, to avoid living our best lives, and to generally f*ck around. And, I am guilty of all these things. 100%.

I’ve held the pain of break-ups and rejections, stored it in my chest. When the wrong opportunities came, I pursued them over what the Lord put in my heart. And naturally, the more common justification were in my quiver as well:

  • My parents didn’t x, y, z.

  • I was abused.

  • My teachers didn’t like me.

  • Every leader I had took advantage of me.

  • Exposure to porn at a young age messed with my mind.

  • No one taught how to properly use credit cards.

  • My siblings don’t understand me the way I want to be understood.

  • I’m too old.

  • E T C…

Crazy truth is all the offenses and (in some cases) trauma is real. Yet none of them will empower me; rather, they are the shittiest type of baggage to cary from one day to the next. And the choice I see now is become more obvious by the day. We can either lean into our pain to justify living beneath our calling, or we can leave it behind and run after the Lord’s best for our lives. With the technology and access to super cheap or free resources, we have no excuses. I don’t have an excuse and I give myself none.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: The Choice

A poem, about the choice in front of all believers.

Some pretend the fight doesn’t exist,

Even more do not have the courage to peer over the wall or throw themselves into the fray. 

Still, the largest number has the faith to believe in the fight, the courage to stand on the rampart, but this is where the stay, riveted to the board.

They remain frozen by the reality of the battle. It is violent and the field is littered with blood and cries of the wounded. 

But the heroes, look beyond their fear and weakness, over the wall, to the sunlight on the other side of the war…to green hills and clear water. 

The true and infinite promises of God.

No fear or accusation, no loss or disappointment will keeps these from the Kingdom. 

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