Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #86 Weird Smells

My smeller feels broken.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve smelled a strange series of aromas and smells. And I have not sought this out, rather it’s random, be it at Trader Joe’s or in my apartment or at the gym with people or without. Feels as though my nose is broken. Today is a good example of what I mean as I’ve smelled a sour if slightly earthy odor all morning. And I wonder if my condition is part of my post-COVID reality.

I don’t want to claim a dysfunction- some people define their lives by their ailments and phobias, not me- but this odor/scent thing isn’t going away. Left with only a handful of choices, I choose to pray for healing. I know it’s a small ask, but I’d rather not sniff pond scum all day. So Lord, sweet Jesus, heal my nose and sense of smell. Amen.

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