Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #330 GOAL ACHIEVED!!!

I’m trying to remember an achievement I’m more proud of, and I can’t. Let this post serve as a sign with great flashing lights to all who read it. Do something in your life you’ve always wanted to do FOR YOU. Write that book, plant those flowers, or restore the rust bucket calling your name. This is your call to make time for yourself- every day. You need to love yourself. Creating time and space to satisfy what’s in your heart is part of loving yourself. And you, my lovely reader, are worthy of love.

I thought about this exact post for months— what I want it to be, communicate, and symbolize. Now that it’s here, I want to celebrate the moment of achievement. How many of us set specific goals and achieve them? It probably depends on the goal, right? I’ll reframe the question. How many of us set personal goals— lacking financial or social reward— and achieve them? In my life, and I’m sure yours, it’s uncommon. From the time we are young, we are taught to aim at what’s best for others or brings the most economic reward. Some are so ingrained with this process; it’s difficult to imagine living life any other way. I was one such person, but not anymore. I wrote for a year because it’s what I want to do. It gives me more than money can buy— self-worth, a creative outlet, and a place to process life.

I’m trying to remember an achievement I’m more proud of, and I can’t. Let this post serve as a sign with great flashing lights to all who read it. Do something in your life you’ve always wanted to do FOR YOU. Write that book, plant those flowers, or restore the rust bucket calling your name. This is your call to make time for yourself- every day. You need to love yourself. Creating time and space to satisfy what’s in your heart is part of loving yourself. And you, my lovely reader, are worthy of love.

Cheesy as it sounds, I’d like to thank the Lord for bringing me to this point. He’s the one who directed my feet regardless of where my eyes were. What I did over the last year is showering me with confidence in other areas of my life. (That’s called the fruit of the Spirit. ) The process of writing and publishing posts every day forced me to confront legions of my doubts and fears. It was awesome. Victory is in the determination to continue. I love it.

To my most faithful readers (you know who you are), thank you. Your encouragement meant a lot. Tomorrow will be my first post of a new writing year, and I’ll go over the details of what year two of writing will be. Love y’all.

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