Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #29 The Dude Abides

I could write about any number of topics today. It was a long and emotionally challenging week. My days were filled with kinds of behavior and distractions common when I move into something new. I’m frustrated with some leaders in my life, and people around me are hurting. My natural reaction is to fight or fix it or fly away. It’s not my nature to stand without action, what scripture calls abide.

I could write about any number of topics today. It was a long and emotionally challenging week. My days were filled with kinds of behavior and distractions common when I move into something new. I’m frustrated with some leaders in my life, and people around me are hurting. My natural reaction is to fight or fix it or fly away. It’s not my nature to stand without action, what scripture calls abide.

For a few brief moments this morning, I considered a hiatus from this blog. But that's a dumb idea. This blog is a living document of my life and experiences. My wife and children will be able to read it. And when I’m gone, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be able to know me in ways I will never know my great-grandparents. They will know my life was messy and uneven, but I loved the Lord and trusted Him. And I had a remarkable life.

This week, it became clear, my mental and spiritual DNA is different. It’s something I embrace. The Lord gave me a unique way to see people and life, and I will be misunderstood. I believe part of my calling at BSSM is to learn how to bridge the gap between the Church and those abused and belittled by Church. It’s a two-part equation because Christian leadership must improve. They’ve got to learn to keep THEIR hands off God’s anointed too. I’m no Christian leader, so my journey is to help the hurt, the offended, and the abused. There’s a place in the church for us too- a healthy place. No more white-knuckling through immature leadership, shitty sermons, and bad teaching. We will learn to abide without anxiety or shame, regardless of the absurdity on stage.

One measure of maturity is the understanding of what we can influence and change, and more importantly, what we cannot influence or change. Nik is not called to change and confront thousands of years of poor Christian leadership. I will wave the flag of victory- in part- by discussing my journey back into the bowels of organized Christendom. It began when I decided to go to BSSM aka “The Hope.” I wouldn’t willingly walk into a situation without hope or vision. Now, I’m engaged in “The Battle.” If I fight and struggle with all the same old demons, I’ll get the same results. It’s not about them. This struggle is about whether I trust the Lord, who He is, who He says I am, and what He has for me. It’s not about the leaders either. The kindness of God leads to repentance, not cynicism or judgment.

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