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Prayers Answered: #1 COVID And A Baby

I decided to add a new category to my blog. Prayers Answered will be posts about the exercise of Faith (the intentional act of making room for God to be God.) I want to swim in Faith and the Glory of God. For my sake and perhaps yours, I need to keep a record. My eyes look too low too often. Prayers Answered will be a living growing documentation of the blessing and goodness of the Lord.

COVID Prayers

The most recent Coronavirus outbreak hit Redding (where I live) hard. Prior to September, I only knew of one person who contracted the virus. As of this posting ,the number now stands at 21. Most of the these people where under 40, young families. One man is in his 60’s, and the virus slammed his body.

After a week of prayer and putting him before the Lord, I am happy to report he is quickly recovering. His recovery was especially quick for the severity and duration he suffered. All we are need now is a negative test result and he’s done with it. Thank God.

Pregnancy Complications

My friend L is on her second pregnancy. Her first pregnancy was not fun, but this round is proving to be more difficult. A few weeks ago, she had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance with complications. Her doctor gave strict orders to go on bed rest and scheduled a c-section. The situation was not improving.

Then, dramatically, it did. All of the complications are gone, and L is on her feet. She is now full-term and finishing the last few projects before her child arrives.

Praise God. Prayer works.

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