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Abstraction: Storms And Gratitude

The storm isn’t meant to rock your life.

It comes to water nourish your heart and water dreams.

The water they dump and the winds that cut, expose our rocks and weeds.

Beneath it all is good, dense, soil.

When the rain ceases and the thunder silent, look at the glowing promise riding the tail of last gray cloud.

Can you see it?

The rainbow of gratitude? With buckets of joy on either end?

You’ve got to look for it. Yes, even in the storm, and especially after. It is there.

Our forever promise from the Father:

We are loved.

We are blessed.

We are worthy.

Let the rains come.

Shout for joy as it rages.

When people disown you. Thank the Lord for the sky.

When your body fails you. Thank the Lord for your life.

When all seems lost and they only thing left is to stop trying to find it, raise your hands in praise.

You are loved beyond measure, and forever worthy.

Storms are temporary. His love is eternal.

Keep your eyes up and your heart open.

Be ready to receive. He’s always handing out blessings.

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