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DJ: #60 Two Months

Two months. I’ve written at least one blog post per day for two months. Many days, I added a poem or two. And now this blog is part of my being. I look forward to crafting an entry as much I do anything else in my life, and I think I’m starting to improve. The power of dedication grows more evident every day, week, and month I continue to sit at this keyboard and type.

Thank God.

I do not have a plan for this blog, no great goals. What I know is I’ve got to express myself. I’ve got to continue to release what I’ve held and give my beauty away. This process requires new courages. They are vulnerability and indifference, which makes honesty essential, strength too. I’ve got to be sincere and unfiltered. I can’t be either of those without the strength to post it.

At the start, I wanted people to read what I’ve written. I still do, but not as I once did. This blog is about me, so I’m not sure what kind of audience will be interested in my content beyond my friends and family. Moreover, who cares? I endeavor to walk with God, and live the life that feeds my soul. I accept what comes.

I will continue to show up and be me.

Love y’all.