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Daily Journal: #110 Isolation

This moment. How I feel right now. This is what I hate about being human. As I watch my country descend into political madness, I stand on an opposite shore from so many I love and respect. I sit in silence because I fear losing them, their love, and their respect.

I put on a brave face and hold my tongue. It’s no consolation to know many in the Church have supported all types of dictators and malicious leaders. And now we have a President who has sown more fear and distrust than any other. He’s a petulant child, and many in the church are wringing their hands about it.

How weak are we? How little do we trust Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit? I hope and pray for a church so focused and dedicated to faith, love, and the Kingdom we barely notice who is in charge. BECAUSE, IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER! We are not made righteous by our vote or who the President is. Faith is going after His presence and loving Him. Remember Matthew 6:33?! Seek first His kingdom is biggest choice we can make everyday.

My challenge is to find peace in this moment, to find love and grace. My goal is to cling to the Father no matter how isolated I feel. I am loved and worth of love. My political beliefs do not disqualify me from love. I know I am not as isolated as I feel.

My Prayer

Lord, Father of all of us. You love me, crazy Trump supporters, and ardent Trump haters. We are all your kids. I am begging you for peace and a supernatural calm to cover America. I pray for truth to shine and love to win. Jesus, come. I will not concede my country to fear and violence.


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