Short: What’s Your Favorite

The dumbest question anyone might ask me, a new acquaintance perhaps, sounds small upon hearing.

It’s a basic get-know-you query, made by adults and children alike.

And because of the basic nature of the question, most folks give dispassionate, ill-considered answers.

But, not me, not ever.

When asked, I pause to consider my options…all of them,

Having been blessed with a depth of experience and range on the subject.

I ponder the old and the new, the textures and aromas, colors and flavors.

Naturally, I do not arrive at a simple reply.

How could I?

How could anyone compare one dish to another?

Consider a perfectly roasted duck, succulent and aromatic, wrapped in a thin pancake and smoother’d in hoisin sauce,

Smokey, meaty, unctuous with hints of anise and orange peel. It’s a perfect bite of food thanks to centuries of the Cantonese process.

Now imagine a humble peanut butter cup: nutty, creamy, and chocolatety. Sweet and savory. Better than gold. South America’s best gift.

Should I go on?

Because I’ve not yet begun.

What’s my favorite food?

Don’t make me laugh.

Need I mention the glory and world favorite know as pizza?

Or just how wonderfully clean yet deeply rich in flavor a fresh slice of fatty tuna can be?

And, what about the joy of a Parisian croissant, buttery and crisp?

Or…a medium rare ribeye, mustard-base pulled pork, or butter pecan ice cream?

I’ll never be able to give a quick answer to such simple question.

I’m too far down the hole.

The world is delicious, land and sea,

And I’m blessed to know it.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Vol IV: #38 What is “Flawed?”


Short: Why And I Type