Short: Coffee Shop Memory

He sat on the honey colored leather chair and read his book, most likely Hemingway or Hughes. The man had begun to venture out to do his reading, which served a dual purpose. First, he was tired of the dull walls and droning TV of his apartment. And second, the reader wanted to train himself to focus on a task while in public. The distractions of a coffee shop- the patrons, blaring music, and aromas- was a perfect setting to train himself. And so he sat and read and tried to shut out the voices.

Ten pages into the novel, a young man sat on the molasses colored couch opposite the reader. The reader stopped reading but held his book steady in front of his face and began to observe the lad. The light blue flannel shirt looked new, as did his skin tight fade. He appeared nervous as he bounced in his seat and fidgeted with his phone. The reader nodded to himself and waited, book still masking his gaze. And then, an equally young blonde woman charged into the shop and threw her arms around the eager boy.

The pair exchanged smiles and whispers and sat on the couch. And after another moment, an older man- older than the reader- and his wife appeared, not so eager yet wearing smiles. The young couple stood to greet to older and introductions were made. And then all took their seats to commence a polite interrogation.

The reader did not hear the conversation and soon his mind was elsewhere. Staring above the couple at a poorly painted horse, he recalled when he’d last sat on that couch. And he was pulled back into the moment with her. Her, dressed like a child in a yellow raincoat. Her, full of fear and panic, trying to convince him she’d fight for their relationship. And her two days later, who pulled the plug in front of his dull-walled apartment. And then the man looked at the boy and the girl and felt himself sneer from behind his cover.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Vol IV: #29 Cooking And Writing


Abstract: Fighting Everyone