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Abstract: What It’s Like To Go To The Gym

It’s easier and more comforting to give-in,

it’s the habit you know best.

Just sit dow, pull out your phone, and stare at it.

That’s what your brain wants and your poor tired heart wants.

Isn’t it hard and embarrassing to fall,

to watch your face become more round instead of less?

You have a safe place on that couch, you know?

No dismissive glances or knowing smirks.

Think of the gas you use to go to the gym,

hardly seems worth the effort.

Oh, you’re gonna do this, eh?

Your shoes are dirty,

clean them first.

No? Why not?

Ack, it’s too bright outside to workout.

Just go back insi—

Look at all the cars here, that’s too many.

…the front door staff thinks you’re a fatass.

Everyone else is going faster than you including that old lady.

Look! That stupid boomer is complaining about Joe Biden on the TV.

What a joke. Are you really going to be part of a gym with people like him?

Don’t look at the pretty girls. DON’T EVEN LOOK.


(Wouldn’t it be easier to stay home.)


Free weights?!

What the fu—