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Abstract: River

I am a River,

Breaking and diving,

always churning through the rocks and weeds and dry places.

My twists and turns like eternal scars,

a record of where I’ve been.

I am a full of life.

What I hide beneath the surface is meant for those willing to pull up a chair, cast a line,

and suffer patience.

As with all great things,

I am worth the wait.

He’s my source, my forever spring,

or else I will run dry,

self-loathing and desperate,

with anger for everyone, but especially me.

I am a force,

graced with power and purpose,

that no man may define.

For I remain un-damned,

my energy yet untamed behind man made walls,

focused to their end.

I am a River.

I am me,

A force and history of what Faith can be.