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Abstract: Real Love Suffers

Real love is nothing like what I see in movies or porn.

It’s not the lusty feeling before a release,

Not an enjoyment of a pretty face or kind smile.

Love isn’t chemical or hormonal.

And, there’s nothing wrong or unholy about sex or attraction*.

Both are good and made from the image of God and all his Holy ways.

But real love, true love, is long-suffering,

or as is described in the vows “in sickness and health, good times and bad, till death.”

Real love is a wife watching her husband battle cancer to his death, being by his side through every treatment and pill and when he departs.

Real love is never giving up, not when all of life has been cruel and unkind,

knowing what they say is all bullshit.

What matters is the hope in our response.

Because love- the kind we choose above circumstance, offense, or emotion- doesn’t fail.

*Just in case y’all got confused. Lust and porn are bad. Attraction and sex not bad :)