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Abstract: Psalm 36

Psalm 36

When a man doesn’t know God, doesn’t fear the Lord, or follow the ways of Heaven,

no limits exists.

He may kill in the name of freedom, steal in the name of justice,

and sling his manhood like a wild animal- into any hole he desires.

Oh sure, this very same man may pay his taxes and help the neighbor with a cup of sugar,

but his heart is always twisted by pride and greed.

This man keeps tabs on all his critics and vows to destroy them.

He never forgets a slight or offense or rolled-eye.

And He will lie when it suits him,

destroy what threatens him,

and align himself with those who fill his needs.

He wants more, always more, the endless more.

Those who are abused or maimed,

They are part of the price he is willing to pay,

happy sacrifices of a kind,

for the sickening glory in his head.

But the Lord…

As terrible as a man may be, the ones without Love or Mercy,

they are not champions or saints.

They’re legacies will blow away like ash after an inferno,

and everything they’ve built will be blown-up, distributed, and then forgotten.

It is the Lord who is good and just and loving.

And his kindness extends to evil men,

right up to the moment they expire.

Though we fail, He prevails.

And nothing evil men do can or will destroy what He does or will do.