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Abstract: Psalm 33

Psalm 33

The Lord has earned our hoots and hollers,

silent prayers and heart-felt tunes,

our collective worship and individual acclaim.

He’s worth every word and sway,

as long as you can give it, everyday.

Our lives and planet mirror His greatness,

in how we invent and create,

in colorful birds and wild flowers,

and in the flavor of salt, fresh tomato and bit of basil leaf.

More than these, His greatness is in us and that wonder marches on,

toward justice for all and mercy without end,

for ourselves, the least of these, and His enemies.

The Lords commands are everlasting, elegant, and nurishing.

He fulfills His promises and rewards those who sit in His presence,

regardless of what the day may bring.

Don’t let anyone say different,

The Lord alone is Good,

Every act,

Every word,

Every command,

and every promise.

He alone moves the Earth around the sun,

remember that.