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Abstract: Mount Lassen

I climber to peak of Mount Lassen once,

on a warm summer day.

The sun was bright,

and reflected off the persistent snow pack still living in the shadows of the mountain.

I was not prepared for the hike,

wearing only shorts, green running shoes, and an old grey hoodie.

Thankfully, I packed a bottle of water and some cashews,

although it proved to be too little by the time I reached the top.

The trail began easily enough,

climbing ever so slightly as it cut across the base of the peak.

Then path turned up the shadowy eastern ridge,

rising ever more vertically than before.

As the first hour passed,

my excitement disappeared,

as the reality of my mission became clear,

this trek is going to test me.

The trail switched back forth,

never resting from it’s task,

from the rocky sunny side to the snowy shadows,

then back again.

I began to take frequent breaks,

to ease my burning legs,

and encourage myself to slog on,

but turning back became on option.

Into the second hour,

the option to abandon my mission,

became a loud temptation,

my determination stressed to it’s limit.

But, I pressed on.





and alone,

I fought myself to the very top of that sleeping volcano.

If all I had was story of determination,

I would be proud of the triumph.

Fortunately, the destination was worth the strain,

Every step and ounce of energy well spent.